
Greenwood Elementary
Mission Statement: 5 Houses, 1 Family
Vision Statement: Greenwood Elementary School will be the most diverse Blue Ribbon School of Academic Excellence in the US. 
School’s Core Values: Grateful, Accountable, Trustworthy, Optimistic, and Respectful
School Songs: Belong, Magic Happens Here, Home

Sunday Greetings! 

Our school will continue to lead with love as we enter the 6th week of school: 

Monday, September 25 - No School 

Friday, September 29 - Reading Award Ceremony - Reading Award Ceremony Link
Join us in celebrating students who have shown a genuine passion for reading at our Reading Award Ceremony, which will be held from 7:20 AM to 7:45 AM. If your child is one of the honorees, please ensure they arrive at school by 7:15 AM and make your way to the gym.

Gator Rumble Family Challenge
The challenge is on! Send a video of your Greenwood Gator leading the Gator Rumble with their family to Mr. Stein at for a house point! We’ll also feature several of the videos with the most enthusiasm on our morning announcements over the next few weeks.

Parent Directory Now Available
Please refer to the email sent on Friday, September 22 for access to our Parent Directory. This directory will serve as a convenient tool for arranging birthday parties, playdates, and more.

Hallway Music - Click HERE
We've opened up additional slots for signing up to play music in the mornings! We would love to have alumni come back and join us! 

Spirit Wear Distribution Update
Last week, we sent home all available spirit wear. Currently, we are still awaiting the arrival of PJ pants and polos. We hope to have them in stock this week. Thank you for your patience.

Attendance Reminder
Missing a day of school here and there may not seem like much, but absences add up. If a student has just TWO absences a month, they'll miss:

  • Twenty days of school a year.

  • Thirty hours of important math instruction a year.

  • Sixty hours of reading and writing instruction a year.

  • An entire year of school by the end of their senior year.

Save the Date - Performances 

October 13
Our cheerleaders and drumline have been invited to performance at the Glen Allen High School Friday night football game. More details will be coming home this week with a permission slip.  

October 27
We look forward to seeing the dance team, drumline, step team, cheerleading, and Tubano clubs perform at 8:20 AM on October 27. If your child is in House Tatonka, we hope you can join us for Tatonka’s House Breakfast from 7:15 - 7:55 AM. Let’s fill the cafeteria with BLUE!

Alumni Connection 
We hope all our Greenwood alumni can join our Schoology Group: Greenwood Alumni with the access code: 32JP-SZRG-3WHV3. This is how we'll communicate to our alumni about special events. 

PTA Updates/Reminders

Important Date Reminders
September 24: No School
September 29 Reading Award Ceremony
October 5: Red Robin Spirit Night Date from 4PM-7PM: 10067 Brook Rd. Glen Allen, VA, 23059
October 6 Gator Bash: 2nd & 5th (7:20 - 7:45 AM)
October 7 Glen Allen Parade
October 9 Student Holiday
October 13 Fundraiser Gator Bash (7:20 - 7:45 AM), Glen Allen High School Football Game