
18 Community Priority Workshop
19 Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein

1 Spirit Store Opens, PTA Membership Drive Begins.
2 Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein
9 Head of House Leadership Summit, Playground New Family Meet and Greet
12 Staff House Rush
15 Bright Beginnings: Head of House Parent Orientation, PK & K Orientation, New Family Orientation (1st - 5th), Open House (1st - 5th)
18 The Night Before School Virtual Reading, PAC Virtual Introductory Meeting, PTA Meeting
19 First Day of School, New Student (1st-5th) House Reveal
21 Virtual Morning Club Parent Session
25 Q1 Morning Club Registration
26 Cheerleading and ADL Tryouts
27 Step Team Tryouts
28 School Play Parent Information Session
29 Advanced Dance Tryouts
30 Student and Teacher Holiday, Ashland Skateland PTA Spirit Night

2 Schools closed – Labor Day
3 Q1 Morning Clubs Begin
6 Head of House Meeting, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein, Grandparents Luncheon
9 House Week Begins
12 Back to School, Kindergarten House Reveal
13 Head of House Meeting, Advanced Dance & Advanced Drumline Payment Due, Parent Directory Released
20 Parent Book Club Kickoff, HCMS Book Buddies Parent Meeting
27 Math Award Ceremony, Home Connection Glow Report

2 Custodian Appreciation Day
3 Student and teacher holiday – Jewish High Holiday
4 Character Trait Ceremony (Accountable) & Parent Parade, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein
5 Glen Allen Day Parade
11 Reading Award Ceremony
14 Student holiday – Teacher in-person professional learning (school based)

15- The Chess and Strategic Games Expo

16- House Advisory Committee Select
18 Leaders League: Taji House Breakfast, Unity Day, PTA Spirit Night @ Chuck E Cheese
22 End of Q1 Morning Clubs
23 House Rally, House Achievement, House Happenings, End of Q1, Student Half Day, Advanced Dance Boot Camp
24 Family Salsa
25 PTA Meeting: Fall Festival, Q1 House Winner Celebration, Win the Morning Showcase: Q1 Performances
27 Q2 Morning Club Registration, PAC Virtual Meeting
28 Fall Picture Day, Greenwood Keva Plank Tournament
29 House Advisory Meeting, Q1 Academic Award Ceremony
30 Win the Morning Showcase: Q1 Performances
31 Book Character Extravaganza, Gamers vs Parents
28-31 1 on 1 Teacher/Student Conference (SLC)

1 Student and teacher holiday – Diwali (observed), November Madness Basketball Tournament @ RockIt Sports
4 Schools closed – Wellness Day
5 Student holiday / Teacher Clerical Day - Election Day
6 Q2 Morning Clubs Begin
7 Parent Teacher Conferences, Family Photos
8 Gator Bash: 1st & 4th, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein, Q1 Report Card/SLC Distribution
11 Veteran’s Day, HCMS Clubs Begin
14 804 KEVA Plank Tournament
15 Strum & Drum Harvest Jam Rehearsal: 2nd & 5th
16 2nd - 5th Grade House Cup Soccer Tournament @ SCOR
21 Strum & Drum Harvest Jam with 2nd & 5th Grade Performance
22 Gator Bash: K & 3rd
26 Friendsgiving Luncheon, Cereal Box Drive
27-29 Schools closed - Thanksgiving holiday

6 Tacky Light Tour Rehearsal: 1st & 4th, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein
12 PTA Meeting: Chiming in the Season with 1st & 4th Grade Performance
13 Gator Bash: 2nd & 5th, Home Connection Glow Report
19 Tacky Light Tour
20 Math Award Ceremony, Shimmer & Shine Talent Show, Greenwood Math 24 Tournament, Winter Party, Blankets of Love Drive
23-31 Dec. 23-31: Schools closed - Winter Break

1 - 3 Schools closed – Winter Break
6 Schools reopen following Winter Break
8 Parent Dance Lesson
10 Character Trait Ceremony (Trustworthy) & Parent Parade, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein
14 End of Q2 Morning Clubs
15 Student half day, House Rally, House Achievement, House Happenings, End of Q2, Read to Run Kickoff, Advanced Dance Boot Camp, Parent Dance Lesson
16 Staff Greatest Showman Lesson
17 Dreamers Delight: Tatonka House Breakfast, Unity Day
19 Q3 Morning Club Registration, PAC Virtual Meeting, Triangle Rock Club PTA Spirit Night
20 Schools closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
21 Fall Make-up Picture Day, Q2 Academic Award Ceremony
22 House Advisory Meeting, Parent Dance Lesson
23 The Greatest Show with Win the Morning Q2 Performances, Parent Dance, Staff Greatest Showman Lesson
24 Q2 House Winner Celebration
20-24 1 on 1 Teacher/Student Conference (SLC)
27 Q3 Morning Clubs Begin
30 Parent Teacher Conferences
31 Reading Award Ceremony, Q2 Report Card/SLC Distribution

2-7 Counselor Appreciation Week
7 Character Trait Ceremony (Respectful) & Parent Parade, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein
14 Glow Show Rehersal: K & 3rd Grade, Melody & Blooms
17 Schools closed – Wellness Day
18 Student holiday – Teacher in-person professional learning (division-based)
19 PTA Meeting: Glow Show with K & 3rd Grade Performance
20 804 Rubik’s Cube Tournament
21 Warrior’s Way: Kula House Breakfast, Unity Day, Jump Rope for Heart
28 Math Award Ceremony, Home Connection Glow Report

7 Shine Your Light Award Ceremony, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein
13 Spring Picture Day
14 Reading Award Ceremony
20 PTA Meeting: Student vs Staff Basketball Game with Win the Morning Q3 Performances, End of Q3 Morning Clubs
21 House Rally, House Achievement, House Happenings, End of Q3, Student half day, Q2 House Winner Celebration, Advanced Dance Boot Camp
23 Q4 Morning Club Registration, PAC Virtual Meeting
24 Character Trait Ceremony (Grateful) & Parent Parade, 804 Math 24 Tournament
25 Head of House Morning Meeting, Q3 Academic Award Ceremony
26 House Advisory Meeting & Henrico21
27 Head of House Morning Meeting
28 Givers Gathering: Gratos House Breakfast, Unity Day
24-28 1 on 1 Teacher/Student Conference (SLC)
31 Student and teacher holiday - Eid al-Fitr

1-4 Schools closed - Spring Break
7 Q4 Morning Clubs Begin
11 Field Day, Q3 Report Card/SLC Distribution
18 Math Award Ceremony, Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein, Field Day Rain Date, Performing Arts Community Showcase, Read to Run Celebration
19 Sunrise Bike Ride and Pet Parade
21 Schools closed – Student and staff holiday
23 Administrative Professionals Day
25 PTA Meeting: Gator Gala, Character Trait Ceremony (Optimistic) and Parent Parade, Home Connection Glow Report
28 Teach Children to Save (Fulton Bank)

1 School Lunch Hero Day
2 Uplifters Union: Sol House Breakfast, Unity Day
4 Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Night
7 School Nurse Appreciation Day
5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week
9 Spilling the Tea with Mr. Stein, Shine Your Light Award Ceremony
11 PAC Virtual Meeting
15 PTA Meeting: Greenwood Voyage, Student-Led Conferences
16 Reading Award Ceremony, Ashland Skateland PTA Spirit Night
20 Color Run @ Shady Grove YMCA
21 Pinchbeck Pen Pal Visit
23 End of Q4 Morning Clubs, House Advisory Meeting
26 Schools closed - Memorial Day
28 House Cup Championship, House Achievement, 5th Grade Party
29 End of the Year Awards (PK-4th), 5th Grade Graduation
30 Last day of school, Moving Up Assembly with Win the Morning Q4 Performances, End of Q4, Q4 Report Card/SLC Distribution