Greenwood Elementary
Mission Statement: 5 Houses, 1 Family
Vision Statement: Greenwood Elementary School will be the most diverse Blue Ribbon School of Academic Excellence in the US.
School’s Core Values: Grateful, Accountable, Trustworthy, Optimistic, and Respectful
School Songs: Belong, Magic Happens Here, Home
Sunday Greetings!
Our school will continue to lead with love as we enter the 5th week of school:
Monday, September 18 - House Happenings
Don't forget to wear your house shirt and color as we have special house activities planned throughout the day! House Happenings will be one of the best days of the year as our students meet their Buddy Class, participate in House Bingo, House Lunch, House Chill, and House Games during recess. Plenty of house points on the line tomorrow!
Friday, September 22 - Mega Blast Closes - Click HERE
Help us reach our goal of $45,000! We need one last strong push to fund our master calendar of events.
Friday, September 22 - Character Trait Award Ceremony
We look forward to streaming our first of five Character Trait Award Ceremony from 7:25 - 7:50 PM followed by our Parent Parade!
Friday, September 22 - Parent Directory Released
We are excited to share all the parent’s names and email addresses that opted into our Parent Handbook. This was an idea brought by our Parent Advisory Committee, PTA Board, and students in order for families to have access to scheduling play dates and birthday parties with classmates.
Saturday, September 23 - Gator Gardens Clean Up (8-10AM)
It’s time to get our Gator Gardens ready for a fall harvest. Please help us from 8 - 10 AM by pulling weeds, tilling the garden beds, and planting flowers! Let’s get this area looking beautiful for our students as our goal is for them to eat outside during these beautiful fall days.
Dance Team - Wednesday Morning Club
Keep practicing our new dance routine that we will perform at Tatonka Unity Day on October 27.Hallway Music - Click HERE
We added more slots to sign up to play music in the mornings!
Parent Square Connection
We only had 45% of our parents like or comment on our teacher’s Thursday communication on Thursday, September 14. If you have not completed this request action step, please do so this evening so our teachers have a clear understanding as to who is receiving their weekly messages.
Spirit Wear Distribution
Our fundraising spirit wear did not arrive on Friday. We are hopeful that it will arrive early this week to the school and distributed to our gators.
PTA Updates/Reminders
Click HERE to volunteer during te school day.
Please visit and join our PTA.
Follow the PTA on Facebook and Instagram for pictures and videos of all of our PTA events!
Glen Allen Day Parade October 7th -Come join Greenwood and march along or ride with us in the Glen Allen Day Parade! We will have our Gator Mascot and music pumping- guaranteed to be a great time. We are having a House Competition too- the house with the most participation wins House Points! Come on out and wear your house shirts and colors and represent how colorful Greenwood can be! Sign Up
Tardy Update
We are averaging 8.7 tardies a day. Thank you for assuring your child arrives before 7:40 AM.
Important Date Reminders
September 25 Student and Teacher Holiday- Yom Kippur
September 29 Reading Award Ceremony
October 5: Red Robin Spirit Night Date from 4PM-7PM: 10067 Brook Rd. Glen Allen, VA, 23059
October 6 Gator Bash: 2nd & 5th (7:20 - 7:45 AM)
October 7 Glen Allen Parade
October 9 Student Holiday
October 13 Fundraiser Gator Bash (7:20 - 7:45 AM)