
Click HERE for the HCPS Code of Conduct

HCPS recognizes that student access to cell phones, smart watches with cellular service or Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices is common in 21 st Century society; however, it is imperative that students and parents/guardians understand that there are appropriate and inappropriate times for the use of such devices. Students using cell phones, smart watches with cellular service or Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices to record anything or anyone without authorization on school property or at school events is strictly prohibited.

Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a minimum consequence of the device being confiscated and used as evidence. Other consequences may apply pending the investigation as to the intent and reason for not adhering to the Code of Student Conduct.

Cell phones, smart watches with cellular service or Wi-Fi, and other electronic devices may be retained until the following school day prior to retrieval by parents/guardians. Teachers who confiscate devices must store the device in a safe place until the first available opportunity to give it to an administrator for safe keeping and documentation. Confiscated devices can be retrieved during normal school office hours as designated by school staff.

Cell phones, smart watches with cellular service or Wi-Fi, and other said devices may be used during class at the teacher’s direction for instructional purposes only (i.e. researching on the Internet, Edmodo, Poll Everywhere, Poll Daddy, Remind 101, etc.).

Use of Cellular Phones, Smart Watches with cellular service or Wi-Fi, and other Electronic Devices during Assessments

Test administration procedures are developed to help reduce measurement error and to increase the likelihood of fair, valid, and reliable assessments. Procedures that protect the security of the assessment help to maintain the meaning and integrity of the score scale for all students; therefore:

Any student using an unauthorized electronic device during testing shall be deemed to have violated the Test Administration Procedures. For the purpose of this policy, “use” shall be defined as having any electronic device out and/or in sight, whether on or off (including asleep), without direct authorization from the classroom instructor.

Any student found in breach of the Test Administration Procedures, by using an unauthorized electronic device, shall receive a zero on the assessment. Furthermore, the device in use shall be confiscated and turned into the student’s grade level administrator with a written referral, in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.