Varina District

In 2024, Alicia Atkins became the first African American woman to serve as chair of the Henrico School Board. This came after making history in 2019 as the first woman and first African American school board representative from the Varina District. Her motto, “Let’s FACE the future together!”— Facts, Action, Change and Educate — reflects her commitment to data-driven decision-making and transformative leadership.

A proud Highland Springs High School alumna, Atkins brings a combination of 20 years of health care experience, a business administration degree from California Coast University and certification in empowerment and abuse prevention to her role. She’s a devoted public servant, supporting PTAs for more than two decades and educating others on healthy relationships through the LEAP Project (Leadership for Empowerment and Abuse Prevention) at Virginia Commonwealth University.

During her first term, Atkins served as vice chair of the school board, was a tireless advocate for students with disabilities, championed diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and challenged bias in the HCPS dress code. In addition, she was recognized as a leader in community service, earning several accolades, including the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Distinguished Community Service Award (2021), DIAMOND Mentor at the Academy at Virginia Randolph and the Extraordinary Service Award (2021); Child Advocate of the Year Award from the Virginia Parent Teacher Association (2022); NAACP’s Community Advocate Award (2022) and the Community Support Award presented by Cap-city Characters RVA (2023).

As a wife and mother of three Varina students, Atkins is deeply dedicated — personally and professionally — to ensuring that all students have the resources and skills they need to be life-ready. In her second term, she continues to champion positive educational changes, urging everyone to join the “Better for All” journey for a brighter, inclusive future.

Follow Alicia Atkins on Facebook, Instagram and X: @aliciaforvarina.

Committee Assignments: 

  • Henrico Federal Programs Advisory Committee

  • Instructional Materials Review Committee

  • Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School

  • School Health Advisory Board

  • Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee - Alternate

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